WHY renewable energy?
We aim to build solar arrays, EV charging stations and battery storage systems on existing building rooftops, parking canopies and parking lots, and/or excess land to capitalize on the underutilized space to meet the growing demand in green energy, while at the same time providing owners and tenants a discount to market energy prices.

Today, both investors and tenants demand measurable and achievable results, as well a shrinking carbon footprint to achieve sustainability. In addition, approximately 700 of the 2,000 largest global public companies have made net zero commitments.
Commercial deployment has been slow due to a complicated and fragmented marketplace with
multiple vendors, financing options, and diverse state-specific incentives. While renewable energy portfolio standards and incentive programs are challenged, Bridge’s local expertise and tech-integrated approach streamlines the analysis and implementation of solar in a high-demand market.
Bridge seeks to find the best opportunities using data analytics and local expertise, as well as to capture demand for commercial solar projects and to aggregate ESG benefits. As commercial solar installation is often too complex and requires capex for building owners, Bridge provides a turn-key solution for building owners that lowers their power cost without capex. Furthermore, we capture fundamental value by generating electricity at a fixed cost over a 25-year period, while seeking to generate and monetize renewable credits within state programs legislated to require renewable energy additions to the electric generation portfolio.
Bridge Renewable Energy is projected to add 400MW to the grid, equivalent to power produced by 700+ million pounds of coal per year.